Kash Doll and Tee Grizzley put a wild spin on Goldilocks And The Three Bears in their long-awaited, animated “Bossa Nova” video. In the revamped narrative, the three bears — now tatted-up and bearing names like “Sugar Daddy” and “Cry Baby” — discover their honey supplies depleted thanks to a lazy queen bee and going for a drive, passing Kash Doll, who is headed the other way. She crashes her Rolls-Royce and stumbles into their treehouse, where she meets Queen D.
Instead of trying out the bears’ furniture and eating their porridge, Kash befriends the bee, restarting the flow of honey. When the bears return, rather than running away into the forest as in the original tale, Kash instead puts on a twerk show, and the four gorge themselves on the newly made, clearly hallucinogenic honey. There’s also a truly bizarre climactic scene in which Kash takes advantage of the bears’ inebriation (and predilection for BDSM) to escape with Queen D, leaving the bears honey-less for good.
The “Bossa Nova” video arrives two months after the track’s original release. Before putting it out, Kash also flexed her rap chops with buzzing newcomer Mulatto and Buffalo veteran Benny The Butcher on DJ Infamous’ “Bad Azz.”
Watch the “Bossa Nova” video above.
Tee Grizzley is a Warner Music artist. .