Adele’s Most Prized Possession Is A Piece Of Used Celebrity Chewing Gum

After a few years away, Adele is back with a new album, 30, on the way and a new single, “Easy On Me,” out and dominating the music landscape now. Aside from the return of Adele the musician, we’re also getting the return of Adele the personality, which is delightful because she’s always a hoot. She’s the latest participant in Vogue‘s “73 Questions” series, and in the new video, she revealed her most prized possession: a piece of used gum, which was chewed once upon a time by Celine Dion.

In the interview, Adele was asked what her proudest possession was, and she transitioned the conversation indoors so she could get it. After answering a few more questions, she presented her interviewer with a small picture frame, which in the middle had a wad of gum stuck to a piece of paper. The paper read, “Celine Dion’s gum,” and had dollar signs surrounding it. Adele revealed it was a gift from James Corden, saying, “James Corden — who’s a friend of mine but also does ‘Carpool Karaoke,’ which I did — he did it with her and knew how much of a fan of her I was, and so he made her spit her gum into a piece of paper and he framed it for me, and it’s my proudest possession!”

Elsewhere in the conversation, she revealed that her dream duet partner is Chris Stapleton. Given that Stapleton collaborates with a lot of folks (Taylor Swift, Jimmy Fallon, HER, and the list goes on) and that Adele is Adele, that seems like an achievable dream.

Watch the full video above.