Jimmy Kimmel Has No Sympathy For ‘Idiot’ MAGA Rioter Jenna Ryan As She Is Hauled Off To Prison

Jimmy Kimmel hasn’t got a whole lot of sympathy for Jenna Ryan, the MAGA rioter who is going to jail after declaring that she was “definitely not going to jail” because of her “blonde hair,” “white skin,” “great job,” and “great future.” Oops!

On Tuesday night, Kimmel shared that the trials for those individuals accused of storming the Capitol are beginning to heat up, and mentioned that Ryan’s had just concluded, where she was sentenced to 60 days in jail. Kimmel had trouble feigning any sympathy for the Texas realtor, and made sure to remind his audience who she was:

“This is the woman who flew to D.C. in a private jet and used her attendance at the insurrection to plug her real estate business… So then, much to Jenna’s surprise, she got arrested. And despite the fact that this woman flies on private jets and uses her social media to brag about how wealthy she is, she set up a PayPal asking for donations. She said ‘I’m accepting donations to pay legal fees and losses due to my arrest and charges by the FBI for protesting at the US Capitol. Thank you for your support. Any amount helps.’

So then, when PayPal shut her down, she admitted it was a grift. She wrote: ‘I really don’t need the donations. I was just giving people the opportunity to contribute and be blessed by their giving. Whoever donates to me is going to be blessed beyond measure.’ Yes, I believe it was the Apostle Matthew who said, ‘Blessed are those who pay legal fees for idiots for they shall be screwed out of 20 bucks.’”

Kimmel even brought up Ryan’s tweet from March, then giddily announced that in January, Ryan will be going to prison. “To really rub it in, the prosecutor used that tweet against her saying it showed she thought she was immune from punishment because of her race and physical appearance… Anyway, if you live in North Texas and you’re looking to buy a house from Jenna Ryan, act quick, because the open house is about to close.”

You can watch the full clip above, beginning around the 6:50 mark.