Neo Still Knows Kung Fu In The Mind-Blowing Final ‘The Matrix Resurrections’ Trailer

After going heavy on the déjà vu with its last teaser, The Matrix Resurrections just dropped its final trailer that takes that theme even further as Keanu Reeves‘ Neo finds himself once again busting out kung fu moves inside The Matrix and questioning what, if anything, was ever real. Continuing the franchise’s trippy blending of a simulated world keeping alive the incubated remains of humanity, this latest trailer doesn’t shy away from hinting that this is a new version of The Matrix that is clearly reusing old programs from previous versions. Most notably, Jonathan Groff‘s character, who appears to be an upgrade on Hugo Weaving’s Agent Smith.

Yayha Abdul-Mateen II’s Morpheus also gets some significant play, as he doesn’t appear to be Neo’s adversary, but once again, a mentor figure attempting to aid him through this latest incarnation of The Matrix, which has also somehow ensnared Carrie Anne-Moss‘ Trinity. Unlike previous trailers, we finally get to see Trinity whoop ass and continue to be every bit the equal to Neo she was in the first film. Rounding out the cast is Jessica Henwick, who has been absolutely electric in every trailer as the mysterious Bugs.

We’d try and tell you more about the plot, but The Matrix movies could give Marvel a run for their money when it comes to secrecy. Heck, we just saw a brand new trailer, and we still couldn’t tell you what the heck is going on.

The Matrix Resurrections enters theaters and HBO Max on December 22.