‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Viewers Are Pretty Grossed Out By The ‘Wet’ And ‘Wild’ Answer To A Puzzle

A recent poll found that the “worst” words in the English language include pus, phlegm, and seepage. Also, splooge. Can’t forget [shudders] splooge. “Warm,” “wet,” and “wild” did not make the worst-words cut, because apart, they’re not that bad. Who doesn’t love a warm day at the beach, or a Buffalo wing? But collectively, the trio of w-words are prone to gross people out, as evidenced by Wednesday’s episode of Wheel of Fortune.

The category was “Same Letter.” After a few spins of the wheel, contestant Tanino elected to solve the puzzle. “Warm Wet & Wild,” he answered, correctly. He won $3,800 and a California trip worth $7,650 (and later, the Bonus Puzzle), but he also lost, through no fault of his own, because he grossed everyone watching at home out.

It’s been an eventful week for all things Wheel: a photo of host Pat Sajak posing with white nationalist event-attender Marjorie Taylor Greene went viral over the weekend. “The undated photo appears to have been taken earlier this month,” the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. “[He’s] flanked by the Republican Greene and Right Side Broadcasting Network reporter Bryan Glenn. RSBN is known for promoting right-wing views, and Greene, among other things, makes a hobby of harassing mass-shooting victims and thinks that Sandy Hook massacre denier Alex Jones got a raw deal in court.”

Now that’s the real “ew.”

(Via iHeart)