Watch As Julia Roberts Confronts The Internet Dog That Hates Her

Andrew already covered Julia Roberts getting balls hucked at her face on The Tonight Show last night, but I can’t pass up on this second segment in which Jimmy Fallon presents her with the video of Achmed, the dog that hates Julia Roberts. I have it skipped ahead because for the first almost two entire minutes all they do is talk about parenting stuff (yawn!) — but once he introduces the clip, Jimmy plays it for her and then asks that Julia say something to the camera to try to change Achmed’s perception of her so that then “he will be [her] friend.”

Julia Roberts is one of those people who irrationally gets on my nerves, and then I feel bad that she gets on my nerves because she does seem like a genuinely nice person — so I’m being completely honest when I say her confrontation to Achmed was pretty great. I don’t think he’s going to stop hating Julia Roberts anytime soon.