The Many Important Life Lessons ‘The Mindy Project’ Has Taught Us So Far

The Mindy Project returns tonight on Fox. If you’re not caught up, make sure to check out everything we know so far about season three. In the meantime, though, like most good sitcoms, The Mindy Project has taught us some very valuable life lessons over the course of the past two seasons it’s been on the air. So in preparation for tonight’s episode, we thought it would be fun to take a look back to some of the most important things we’ve learned by watching The Mindy Project. Enjoy!

Always Label Your Food

      True story: Last week my husband accidentally took a leftover sandwich of mine that I had been looking forward to eating all morning to work with him and it almost resulted in divorce. This could have been easily prevented had I labeled my food.

Always Know the WiFi Password

As a very important blogger I find this especially important. These gifs don’t upload themselves, you know.

It’s Never to Early For a Drink

      That’s my motto, anyway. It’s always 5:00 somewhere.

It’s OK to Get Emotional Over Food

Did I mention the sandwich story earlier? Not kidding, I was near tears. You don’t mess with a woman’s lunch.

Know How to Handle Your Liquor

Is there anything less appealing than a sloppy drunk? Real ladies know how to handle their liquor. Plus what’s sexier than a woman who can drink her dude under the table? Not much!

Shared Interests Are Important

There’s barely a day that goes by that I can wrap my head around the fact that I married someone who doesn’t “get” King of the Hill. Come on! It’s subtle character humor! To be fair, he doesn’t care for The Mindy Project either.

It’s Perfectly Reasonable To Be Offended At Being Mistaken For A Parent

         I’m old enough at this point that people I grew up with who had children young have kids who are approaching their teen years, but the few times I’ve been mistaken for a mom I’ve still been like, EXCUSE ME?! No lady, you look like a parent.

Always Be Upfront With Your Feelings

If you sugarcoat everything, how will the people in your life know that they’re being giant douchebags? Then they’ll just keep on being douchebags. Consider it a public service.

It’s OK Not to Get Married

If you find that special someone, great. If not, you just bought yourself a ticket of not having to trip over someone’s shoes that they leave all over the goddamn house for the rest of your life.

F*ck Role Models

Role models think they’re so great, lording over everyone from their high role-modeley horses. Screw that noise. Be your own role model.

Own It

Mindy Kaling once said “It takes a lot of effort to look like a normal/chubby woman.” Haters to the left.