Not that any of us need additional motivation to re-watch Archer episodes, but the perceptive fans of r/ArcherFX have gradually been tracking all the funny/random/creative subtitles they come across while watching episodes with captions on and it’s become very clear the rest of us are missing out. For example, the subtitle gods don’t even know what Cheryl/Carol’s name is.
Here are a few other interesting things you’ll watching Archer with the subtitles on…
There are two distinctly different types of interoffice bitching.
Woodhouse a very particular snore.
The show teaches you how to speak with a Russian accent.
Kitchen bowl drops really are that gratuitous.
Inanimate objects even get their due.
Pam has a distinct form of cocaine intake.
If you need me I’ll be re-watching all the scenes with Krieger’s hologram girlfriend and tentacle porn with the subtitles on. For, um, research.