Since its second season, Arrow has tried to dial back Ollie’s more homicidal tendencies, leaving the casual smoking of fools to Diggle. But according to Stephen Amell, while that may not be over, Ollie might be done with playing (relatively) nice as a vigilante next season.
Amell went on Facebook Live to talk about the new season, specifically about the continuous shot in the opening episode, which he describes as “vicious.”
If [the premiere] is any indication, Arrow is going to be f–king mean this year, and that’s really exciting.
He also noted that we’d see the return of a character that hasn’t turned up since the second season, which is intriguing, and also hinted that Barry’s decision during The Flash‘s season two finale will likely have some effects on Starling City. He was also deliberately vague about the status of Ollie and Felicity, but considering how they left it in the finale, they’ll probably have some emotional shovel work to do.
Honestly, a return to an Ollie who applies boot to ass would be a welcome turn. Season four’s best moment was easily when Ollie finally gave Malcolm the beating he’d earned for three and a half seasons, and then followed it up by cutting off Malcom’s hand. If we get more of Ollie stumping villains and fewer guilt trips, season five is looking up.
(Via TVLine)