TMZ reports that Tekashi 69’s bail hearing will be postponed because his lawyer plans to try the Courts of Appeal instead. While the report makes mention of Tekashi’s concern for his family, it doesn’t appear that there is any open threat to their safety.
Tekashi’s lawyer Lance Lazzaro, told TMZ that “”Daniel’s mood is fine, because he knows he is innocent” after a visit on Tuesday. “He’s extremely concerned about his family.” According to reports, Tekashi, also known as Daniel Hernandez, may wish to reserve some of that concern for himself. Some of his recently fired crew members, allegedly associated with New York’s Nine Trey Blood set, have expressed plans to “super violate” him, and Tekashi is currently housed in the general population section of the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center rather than protective segregation.
Lazzaro would likely rather try the Appeals Court than the bail hearing, which was scheduled for Wednesday, as Tekashi was already denied bail after his initial arrest on racketeering charges, despite the offer to surrender his passport and pay $750,000 to the court. Tekashi and several members of his crew were rolled up in a gang investigation that saw them charged with multiple counts of conspiracy to sell drugs, commit robberies, and assault or intimidate rivals, including one shooting, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years in prison.
Tekashi was also serving probation for the unrelated charges of use of a minor in a sexual performance after videotaping an associate having sex with a 13 year-old girl and posting it to his social media.