In a movie written and casted by the internet itself, Passengers stars Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt… and you’re already in. But here’s the plot, anyway: Aurora and Jim are two of 5,000 — you’ll never believe this — passengers on a spaceship headed toward a colony called Homestead II. It takes 120 years to get there, but they wake up from suspended animation 90 years early, and begin to fall in love (and have sex) just as disaster strikes.
It’s basically Titanic but set in space, which sounds like the greatest movie ever (and a classic Futurama episode). Director Morten Tyldum, who I’m pretty sure isn’t a Harry Potter character, certainly has high hopes for the film. “You will laugh and cry and hold your breath and be at the edge of your seat. It has chills. It also will make you smile and laugh a lot,” he said. “Every generation has its love story. I feel like this is it.” Shots fired, Fifty Shades of Grey.
As for his Star-Lord and -Lady, Tyldum was all praise. Lawrence and Pratt are “both extremely funny,” he gushed. “They’d try this and that and come up with really funny stuff. They can go very dramatic but their great chemistry — they’re just so good. It is just fun to be around them and fun to be on this journey. In this day of sequels and reboots I think it’s refreshing that it is a completely original story with two of the best movie stars in the world.”
It’s going to be awkward when Lawrence runs into Jaylah.
(via EW)