Beloved series Carpool Karaoke has returned for its fifth season, which is set to debut on Friday (December 9). Ahead of the series’ upcoming release, Apple has unveiled its lineup of guests, which includes everyone from Duran Duran and Nikki Glasser to Sandra Oh and Hilary Clinton.
Legendary Chicago band Wilco, Ciara and Russell Wilson, and Method Man will also appear in the Apple original series.
The series started as a segment on James Corden’s Late Late Show. The bit would later be developed by Apple TV+ into its own series in 2017. Here are the official descriptions for each episode:
- Sandra Oh & Duran Duran: It’s a dream come true for lifelong superfan Sandra when she meets her idols for the first time—and even performs with them.
- For All Mankind Cast (Jodi Balfour, Edi Gathegi, Joel Kinnaman, Krys Marshall, Coral Peña, Shantel VanSanten, Cynthy Wu): In space, no one can hear you scream—but can they hear you sing “Spice Up Your Life”? The cast of the Apple Original is determined to find out.
- Nikki Glaser & Wilco: The iconic Chicago band goes on an adventure with megafan Nikki, featuring a cameo by the great Mavis Staples and a Ferris Bueller homage.
- Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton & Amber Ruffin: Hillary and Chelsea turn to their gutsy pal Amber for support as they sing along to empowering anthems—with an assist from Vanessa Williams.
- The Bacon Brothers: This duo celebrates their longtime band by covering songs from other sibling acts—plus, Michael teases Kevin for his years of fashion fails.
- Method Man & Chris Redd: From Stevie Wonder to DMX—and even Nickelback—the rapper/actor and comic riff through their playlist and a round of Black Facts.
- Ciara & Russell Wilson: The power couple combines their passions as they sing along to Ciara’s bangers and hit the football field for a climactic pass.
Check out the trailer for Season 5 of Carpool Karaoke above.