Harry Styles And James Corden Are About To Begin Pop Music’s Greatest Bromance

Harry Styles is one of the biggest pop stars in the world, and James Corden is one of the biggest TV show hosts in the world, so naturally, the two know of one another. In fact, according to this newly-released clip of their private FaceTime chat, they actually go way back and are good enough friends that Harry would hit up James for a place to crash in LA. When Harry first calls, James is sitting there calmly reading his recent Rolling Stone cover, in which Harry fervently defends teenage girls and their fandom. Already down.

By the way, it makes sense that these two would be acquaintances at least, because they’re both British stars who crossed over huge in the US, and I assume everyone who does that kinda knows each other. Anyway, whether this whole thing is a glorious staging of friendship, or an honest-to-god real one, what these two have in store for us in May looks like it’s shaping up to be one of pop music’s biggest bromances.

In the above clip Styles insists that he stay not at James Corden’s house (which is probably actually really nice!), no, the former One Directioner wants to stay in the studio where the Late Late Show takes place while he’s visiting LA. Crashing on the couch. No enormous hotel suite for Harry I guess.

Corden obliges him, but with the one condition that no “houseguests” are welcome in the studio. That old Harry Styles eye roll assures all of us this rule was made to be broken. So tune into the Late Late Show starting the week of 5/15, which is conveniently, the week after Harry’s self-titled debut album drops. Check out the first Bowie-esque single “Sign Of The Times” if you haven’t heard it yet, and watch Corden and Styles flirt above in anticipation of their entire week together.