Taylor Swift Struggles To Manspread In Her ‘Becoming The Man’ Behind-The-Scenes Video

Taylor Swift looked stunning in her recent video for “The Man,” although not for reasons that somebody’s appearance would usually be described that way. She underwent an amazing transformation for the video, using prosthetics and makeup to make herself look like a man. A lot of work went into the clip, and now Swift has pulled back the curtain on how it all happened in a new behind-the-scenes video.

Swift summarized the process, saying, “Putting on the look for ‘The Man’ took five hours every morning. […] I had no idea what they do to your body to make you look different. I have muscles suits on underneath things, I had… I don’t even want to talk to what else. I don’t even want to tell you about it. This is a family show.”

While filming the scene where her “The Man” character takes up an inordinate amount of space on the subway, Swift didn’t have the firmest grasp on how to manspread. Looking down at her crotch with clear confusion, she told somebody off-camera, “I don’t know how to do this.”

She also discussed what it was like to have movement coaches and learn how to carry herself like men do. In one moment, she and one of her coaches went over how to check a woman out: “How do you check somebody out? Do you check out their boobs and then their butt? Butt and then boobs and then back to butt?”

Watch the video above.