Goldust’s Horror Movie ‘Meet Me There’ Is Coming To Blu-Ray And VOD And Here’s Our Biased Shilling

If you’ve been a With Spandex since the Pre-Crisis days when there were only a few wrestling posts scattered between Kate Upton mega galleries, you might remember a horror movie project I worked on in 2013 called Meet Me There. At the time it was a bit of a pipe dream, made possible by the fact that I’d somehow convinced WWE’s Goldust to star in it. Thanks to a combination of crowdfunding, talented friends and stressed-out willpower, we willed it into existence.

We’ve been playing film festivals for most of 2014 (including a New Orleans premiere on WrestleMania weekend, which our own David D. attended and wrote about enthusiastically) and the IndieGogo perks have gone out, so here’s our next stage of good news: Meet Me There found distribution, and will be coming to pretty much every format in (very) early 2015.

Here’s the press release from SGL Entertainment, because how many times do you get to be a part of a press release?

SGL Entertainment is pleased to announce that it has acquired the festival favorite “Meet Me There”. This drama, horror, thriller has had quite a run at the film festival circuit worldwide with festival screenings at Filmorama, Sunscreen, Houston Beta, Innovative, Feratum and Bruce Campbell’s Horror Film Festival.

SYNOPSIS: A journey of self-discovery becomes a quest for survival as Ada (Lisa Friedrich, Least Favorite Love Songs) and Calvin (Micheal Foulk, Zero Charisma) encounter the darkness of the past and the unexplainable evil of the present in a town where the only visitors are the ones who’ve come to die. Featuring Dustin Runnels (WWE’s Goldust) and Jill Thompson (Scary Godmother), this intense character study and exploration of sexual trauma will have you covering your eyes and keep you guessing until its final minutes.

Directed by Lex Lybrand (Summer League), written by Brandon Stroud (Seven Hill City) and based on the real-life stories and the nightmares of Destiny Talley. The movie will be available in early 2015 on Blu-ray, DVD, Cable TV and all of the top VOD Video On Demand Platforms such as iTunes Movies, Amazon Prime, Google Play, M-GO, Bigstar TV and others via SGL Entertainment, along with our partners MVD Visual and Indie Rights Movies. SGL Entertainment, headed up by Jeffrey A. Swanson and Damien Dante is a fast growing major independent film distribution company that specializes in horror films.

For More Info about “Meet Me There” go to:

Here’s their updated version of the trailer, which is just our teaser with some new stuff bookending it. As a reminder, this was a very early teaser that is not supposed to explain the plot of the movie. That trailer should be coming soon, because we’ll want people browsing Wal-Marts to go “hey, that looked like a good movie” and pick it up.

And here’s our updated poster, now with RoboCop font!

If you’ve seen this at any of our festival screenings or got an IndieGogo copy for helping support us, thank you. Thank you in a way too melodramatic to write about on a wrestling blog. We’ll keep you updated with dozens and dozens of pictures of this positioned beside Wrong Turn 7 at every Best Buy I can find.