More Details Emerge On Former WWE Superstar Alberto Del Rio’s Stabbing

Okay, let’s recap: The man formerly known as Alberto Del Rio parted ways with WWE (again) last month. Then, Del Rio — back to being known as Alberto El Patron — no-showed his first post-WWE appearance at AAA’s Heroes Immortales X event on Sunday, causing all sorts of folks to tweet all sorts of hot takes on the content of the guy’s character. Then, it came out that the reason why Del Rio no-showed was because was in the hospital because he was slashed with a knife a whole sh*tload of times by a stranger.

Now, more details are coming out about the circumstances leading up to said stabbing: Court Bauer of MLW Radio is reporting that Del Rio was attacked in San Antonio, Texas, on Sunday, as he was preparing to head to the airport to fly to Monterrey, Mexico, for Heroes Immortales X. At the 28-minute mark of episode 247 of MLW Radio, Bauer says Del Rio’s car was hit by another car, and that’s when things got hairy:

“A confrontation occurred when a driver of a car hit Alberto’s car, and both Alberto and the driver got out of their cars, and the driver pulled a knife. As Alberto started to walk away… he was slashed from behind by this f*cking coward. Alberto then turned around and at that point in time, the assailant tried to slash his face. Alberto was able to move to the side but he sliced the side of Alberto’s head.

At that point, Alberto basically took him down. As he’s taking him down, he’s stabbing Alberto in the arm, in the shoulder, slicing him down to the bone on the forearm area of his arm — muscle ripping out. Alberto ends up getting the knife away, and in the aftermath the assailant gets away.”

Bauer says multiple witnesses got the attacker’s license plate, and the San Antonio police is involved, so hopefully this guy will get what’s coming to him. Del Rio lost his phone in the scuffle and was unable to get a hold of AAA before the event began, hence the apparent no-show; however, to his credit, Del Rio apparently considered getting a chartered plane to still try and make the event in time, even while he was sitting in a hospital bed receiving stitches. Those wounds again, in case you forgot how rough they actually were: