WWE Has Fired Billy Gunn For Cheating At A Powerlifting Meet

Here’s something you didn’t expect to read today: Monty “Kip” Sopp, also known as “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn, also known as “Mr. Ass,” has been fired by WWE for testing positive for elevated levels of testosterone during a July powerlifting meet. You don’t become a Mister of Ass without a little help, people.

Via the Wrestling Observer, Gunn’s drug test came back with a 37-1 testosterone/epitestosterone ratio. The limit is 4-1, if that tells you anything. He was suspended from powerlifting for four years.

Gunn had been a trainer with the company since 2012, and made frequent appearances on WWE shows like Tough Enough and Breaking Ground. Aside from that, he’d occasionally show up as a special guest referee at NXT live events and do D-X crotch chops with babyfaces. In early 2014, Gunn and “The Road Dogg” Jesse James got a final nostalgia run in WWE, including a brief stint with the Tag Team Championships.

This is the best bit from the report, revealing that he’d been living a double life:

WWE officials were not aware of him competing as a powerlifter until a few weeks ago or his suspension from that sport.

Billy Gunn was training wrestlers by day and moonlighting as a disgraced powerlifter. That’s a life well-lived.

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