Recently Injured Finn Balor Doesn’t Think Seth Rollins Is Unsafe At All

WWE’s latest casualty Finn Balor stopped by Jim Ross’ podcast, The Ross Report to talk about his injury, because, you know, what else would he talk about? Despite Seth Rollins contributing to an injury that will see the inaugural WWE Universal Champion sidelined for at least the next six months, Balor was quick to defend his SummerSlam opponent:

Well, people are entitled to their opinions, but as far as my opinion goes, I have been hurt a lot of time working, and it’s never been with Seth Rollins. Obviously, if you work a lot, you are going to get hurt. Occasionally, this just happened coincidentally, and I just so happened to be working with Seth, so as far as I’m concerned Seth is one of, if not the best performer we have in this business. I feel that all the flack he gets is totally unwarranted. Any kind of slack he gets for being unsafe is really ridiculous.

That ‘slack’ has come from people like Bret Hart — repeatedly — after incidents like John Cena’s broken nose, or Sting’s neck injury at Night of Champions. WWE banned his finisher — the curbstomp — for fear of head injuries, like when Randy Orton lowkey stopped using his punt to the head due to fear of rampant demon possession. And who knows, maybe it’s that public misconception that gets him banned from so many music festivals.

Of course, the criticisms of Rollins’ abilities usually comes from people who haven’t stepped in a ring with him, so we’ll go ahead and say it’s best to listen to Finn on this one.

Transcription h/t to NoDQ