John Cena Confronted His Bodybuilding Past On ‘The Tonight Show’

John Cena followed up his Trump-blitzing appearance on Today with a bit more light appearance on The Tonight Show. It was his first time on the show since Jimmy Fallon took over and his first time messing around with the host since the Late Night days. There was some busting on Fallon’s “breaking” days from SNL, some promotion for Sisters with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, and a look back on this piece of history:

That’s right, we took a peek back at John Cena’s bodybuilder past and his fancy choice in hairstyle. Not much of a shock that Vince McMahon took notice and hired the guy back in those Ruthless Aggression days, but you can’t deny the guy works his ass off. He can’t help his choice in hairstyle.

This later brought up a bit of Cena’s troubled past and his inner child, forcing him to grab a mic, lower the lights, and talk a bit about what he lost over the years. Then he tried to sing Adele, I think, and it is horrible. So horrible. There’s a reason he stuck to Thuganomics for all those years.

Finally, Cena finished up his appearance with this backstage clip where he talked up his fight scene with WWE fan Bobby Moynihan in Sisters. He wins, so spoiler alert there. Also, a drug dealer is selling “stevia,” which I thought was a sweetener? I guess you toss a little gasoline in a beaker with it, cook it up, and you got something that makes you feel like a champion.

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