The Latest Issue Of The Lucha Underground Comic Revealed The Fate Of Big Ryck

The first issue of the Lucha Underground comic book was pretty great. It featured the Disciples of Death stealing souls, Rey Mysterio fighting King Hippo, and El Dragon Azteca Jr. Now, after much trepidation and gnashing of teeth, the second issue has been released!

We start off with a recap of Team Death reigning supreme at the end of Ultima Lucha, and then Catrina, sans bangs at this point, telling the Disciples of Death that they have more work to do: namely, acquiring the components for Mil Muertes’ throne. WARNING, ILLUSTRATED MURDERS FOLLOW

If this means either Antonio Banderas as “El Mariachi” or just El Mariachi Loco returns to The Temple to get musical-themed vengeance on the DoD for this heinous act, I will marry this wrestling show.

They even hunt down and kill a poor “Rowdy” Roddy Piper fan, which is just awful. You guys are JERKS! We also get some resolution to Big Ryck, or, as I called him after he got an eyeball burned out and started wearing an eyepatch, Ryck Fury.

Guess that’s one way to write a dude off a show! There’s also a b-plot here of Catrina convincing King Cuerno to go after Fenix and his Gift of the Gods title, but it’s not as interesting as PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF MURDER KILLING PEOPLE AND TAKING THEIR SKULLS TO USE AS A CHAIR FOR THEIR BOSS, WHO IS ALSO A PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION OF DEATH AND A SEXY GHOST LADY.

The skulls have been collected, a dark energy descends upon The Temple, and Mil Muertes, the King of Death, finally has his throne.

Now for real, give us the flashback comic that shows Catrina getting those dang bangs!