Nikki Bella Denies One Rumor About John Cena And Confirms One About Vince McMahon

Hot on on the heels of losing her Divas Championship after a record-setting reign (insert joke about the Bella being hot heels here), Nikki Bella sat down with Channel Guide Magazine to talk about her loss, the Divas Revolution, and explain that Night of Champions match that didn’t quite make a lot of sense.

While Nikki looked like a champ, getting in most of the offense throughout the match (that suplex that bounced Charlotte’s injured leg off of the bottom rope hay gurl haaaay), Charlotte tapped Nikki out with the Figure 8, a submission that requires use of her heavily damaged leg. Whether you’re into Nikki as champ or not, it was frustrating on a base level, regardless of who was in the ring. Nikki clarifies what they were trying to get across:

“They really started to believe in her. As a bad guy that can’t get disqualified or if I do get disqualified I lose my title or counted out, I had to work smart [at Night of Champions]. So if I see a body part hurt, I’m going to take advantage of it. Then the good guy overcomes it in the end. That was the story we wanted to tell, and it worked out. We got them behind her. I was really happy with it. Don’t get me wrong. I miss my championship. It was a very lonely evening and in the morning.”

It’s been rumored that John Cena used his ‘influence’ to keep the title on Nikki Bella, an idea bolstered by Paige’s frustrating promo on the September 21 episode of WWE Raw where she turned on her Team PCB cohorts, and insisted that the only reason the Bellas are a thing is because of who they f*ck. It’s tiresome to listen to as a fan, but how does Nikki react?

“I ignore it,” Bella said.

“Even though I see the hate on social media, and it shocks me. It shocks me the rumors people start, that I have the title because of my boyfriend. If that was the case I would have gotten the title when I came back years ago and still had the title. He has nothing to do with it. He has nothing to do with anyone’s story or anything like that. He has zero pull. We talk about it all the time because it’s funny how people say that.

“It’s unfortunate that in this business people get more time to speak on the mic or on commentary and say whatever they want. They can say whatever like they want. They can write it on the internet, and people will believe it,” Bella said.

“I hope one day they can look back and say, ‘Wow. She actually did try hard and wasn’t a bad wrestler. She is here for the right reasons, and it has nothing to do with her boyfriend.’”

While attempting to put to bed the John Cena rumour, Nikki ended up confirming the rumour that Vince McMahon didn’t want anyone on Total Divas to hold the title, something nobody’s really done yet:

“I think where it started was for a year AJ had a voice on WWE TV and all of us on ‘Total Divas’ didn’t. Then Vince [McMahon] didn’t want the title on any ‘Total Divas’ member because he didn’t know how it would transition on Sunday night and Monday in case there was a title change and the show was airing.”

Nikki remains optimistic about the direction of the Divas division, and balancing her role on Total Divas. You can check out the full interview here.