Lucha Libre Wrestler Perro Aguayo, Jr. Dies During A Match In Mexico


Mexican professional wrestler Perro Aguayo, Jr has passed away. The 35-year-old AAA star died during a match in Tijuana for independent Mexican company The Crash, during which he tagged with Impact wrestler Manik against Extreme Tiger (Impact’s Tigre Uno) and former WWE star Rey Mysterio.

There are varied reports at this stage as to the official cause of death, but it looks to have happened as a result of severe whiplash. Perro and Mysterio were setting up for a 619 when a headscissors from Mysterio sent him to the outside instead of into the ropes for the 619. Perro quickly climbed back into the ring, took a dropkick, and landed against the second rope. It appears (but is not confirmed) that the ropes may have been too taught, and the force and angle at which he hit them were the cause of the injury. Former pro wrestler-turned-manager Konnan was at ringside and checked on Perro as the remaining three wrestlers did a few quick spots to end the match early. Medical staff were already on their way out at this point. Perro was rushed down the street to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. There is video available of the incident, however we will not be linking to it for what are hopefully quite obvious reasons.

Perro was the leader of popular AAA heel stable Perro del Mal, and the son of lucha libre legend Perro Aguayo. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies go out to friends and family of Aguayo, Jr.


News outlets in Mexico have begun reporting on his official cause of death. Via

“Desafortunadamente tuvimos un desenlace fatal con el Perro Aguayo a raíz de un golpe que tuvo en la región cervical, ya se le hizo todas las maniobras de resucitación posible, estuve con él por alrededor de una hora intentarlo reanimarlo. Se le hizo una resonancia magnética para descartar cualquier otra cosa, ya determinará el Ministerio Público y oficializará la causa del fallecimiento”, comentó al diario El Mexicano, Ernesto Franco, Médico de la Comisión.

Roughly translated, the initial speculation appears to be correct, and the official cause of death is a stroke in the spinal region. Attempts to resuscitate Perro continued for an hour before his death was called. The article goes on to mention that the medical report says that Perro suffered whiplash which lead to his death.

The article further clarifies some questionable incidents surrounding his death, explaining there were two other injuries on the show prior to the match, and the ringside equipment had already been used on a wrestler who suffered a lumbar injury. Perro was taken from the ring to the tunnel on a sheet of plywood, before being switched to a stretcher and taken to an ambulance. Due to these circumstances, thus far, no medical malpractice has been found.