Watch Titus O’Neil’s Inspiring, Emotional TED Talk

Back at the end of May, WWE Superstar Titus O’Neil (under his real name Thaddeus Bullard) got the opportunity to deliver a TED Talk at UCLA. He was extremely excited about it, and hyped it constantly leading up to the event. The proprietor of the Titus Brand (and probably future popcorn magnate) was right to be thrilled at the opportunity, because he has a truly inspiring story that is definitely worth telling.

The talk, which was titled “The Domino Effect,” began as emotionally as it could have, with Titus talking about his true hero, his mother. He went into how he born when his mother was 12 years old, and that he is “the product of a rape.” He talked about his other hero, a teacher who helped convince him that he was more than just a “bad kid.” His life story is full of struggle, including problems with anger, dealing with racism, and a whole lot more, and the entire thing is definitely worth your time.

Titus is one of four children, three of whom graduated from college. And wonderfully, his family and his two sons were all able to be in attendance for this talk. If you are for some reason on the fence about Titus O’Neil, this might allow you to view him in a whole new light. If you already knew he was an amazing dude, it’s still great to be able to listen to him talk for 20 uninterrupted minutes about all he’s been through.

Check it out below.