Mexican News Outlets Reveal The Undertaker Will Be Returning To A WWE Ring This October

This past Sunday at Battleground, The Undertaker shocked fans by returning to exact furious vengeance against Brock Lesnar. Even more surprisingly, we’re actually getting an Undertaker vs. Lesnar match at SummerSlam. Over the past few years, we’ve all got used to only seeing Undertaker in the ring once per year at WrestleMania, but it seems like things are going to be different this year. Not only is ‘Taker wrestling at SummerSlam, but new evidence has emerged that he’ll be returning to a WWE ring this fall.

Several Mexican news outlets are reporting that The Undertaker will be part of a Mexican live tour in October. Specifically, he’ll be in Merida on October 16, Mexico City on October 17, and Monterrey on October 18.

Of course, it seems highly unlikely WWE would have Undertaker on a house show tour without also putting him on TV. WWE’s Mexican tour falls only days before this year’s Hell in a Cell, and around a month before Survivor Series. Both would make sense for an Undertaker return. After all, Hell in a Cell was named for him, and he made his debut 25 years ago at Survivor Series. This isn’t necessarily based on any hard evidence, but current internet speculation is that a match against Sting may be in the works for Survivor Series.

It’s certainly interesting to see Undertaker getting in the ring with much greater frequency. Are we witnessing The Undertaker’s farewell tour? Or is he just feeling good and getting some matches in while he can? Either way, there won’t be much rest for Mr. Rest in Peace over the next few months.

via Wrestling Inc.