Brooke Hogan Claims Hulk Hogan Is Negotiating A WrestleMania 33 Appearance With WWE

Last week, Hulk Hogan and Gawker finally settled their legal dispute with a big payday for the Hulkster. The legal entanglements and the endless scandals that came out of the awful, awful tapes in question are why WWE severed all ties with Hogan last year, but now that he’s been vindicated in court (and largely in the court of public opinion), there is already speculation he’ll be back with WWE before we know it.

Of course, the most logical time for Hogan to return would be at the biggest show of the year, WrestleMania 33 in April. It’s probably at the Silverdome again. We’re not far removed from him popping up at Mania every year to instill a blast of pure nostalgia, and a triumphant return on his home Florida turf would provide him and WWE with a nice tearful moment of humility.

TMZ Sports caught up with the Hulkster’s daughter, Brooke Hogan, in the extremely short clip you see above. She says that “people” — it’s always people, somehow — are negotiating with Hulk for an appearance at next year’s WrestleMania. We all know Brooke wouldn’t tell tales out of school, right?

So maybe Hogan will interfere on Shaq’s behalf and body slam Big Show so hard he’ll die three days later. At least, that’s what we came up with when we ran “WrestleMania 33” through our Hogan Tall Tale-O-Meter. We may need to recalibrate that thing.