In last season’s NFC Championship game against the Packers, Bears quarterback Jay Cutler hurt his knee (or didn’t hurt his knee) and took a powder. He sat out for about half the game when his team needed him the most, basically handing people the right to rag on him mercilessly for the rest of his life. If he thinks that’s going to be limited to NFL fans and the Internet, he should think bigger; even the federal government is speaking out on Cutler’s trademark futility.
Enter Paul Ryan, a Republican Congressman from Wisconsin who opened his speech about debt reduction to The Economic Club of Chicago with an absolute ice burn on the “Laguna Beach” season seven hopeful:
“I want to thank you all for inviting me to speak. It was especially gracious of you to host me, even though I’m a Packers fan and I assume most of you are Bears fans,” Ryan began.
“But that doesn’t mean we can’t work together. As chairman of the House Budget Committee, I stand ready to do whatever it takes to help you re-sign Jay Cutler. I’m here to talk about the economy today — about the need to get four quarters of strong, consistent performance. That wasn’t another Jay Cutler joke, I swear. It could be, but it’s not.”
I would’ve preferred the “that wasn’t another Jay Cutler joke” part read “boom, roasted,” but hey. This is the way we should be spending our nightmare lockout — making fun of people who deserve it.
[H/T Shutdown Corner]