With any luck, this will be the last post about Ricky Gervais and the Golden Globes — at least until he is or isn’t invited back to host next year. So here’s video of every Gervais bit from Sunday’s show (part 1 above, part 2 below), and I’ll just have to keep my fingers crossed that NBC is slow to make copyright claims.
In case you’ve just escaped from a Peruvian mine without TV or wi-fi, here’s a quick recap: although a handful of Hollywood types (including the Hollywood Foreign Press president) thought Gervais went over the line, a lot of actors enjoyed Gervais’s jokes, but that didn’t stop the mainstream entertainment press from getting its panties in a bunch, even though Gervais went out drinking with Tom Hanks and Tim Allen later that night. Oh, and all of that is nothing compared to the gag that Gervais wanted to open with.
In conclusion, handjob jokes about octogenarians will always be okay in my book.
[GIF via babsy]