Legion is one of the more intriguing Marvel projects in the pipes, telling the story of David Haller (Dan Stevens), son of X-Men‘s Charles Xavier, as he navigates his confusing powers that got him sent to a psych ward and diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. As he is surrounded by people who can never understand what’s going on in his mind, at least he has his best friend Lenny (Aubrey Plaza) at his side. In this absurd and dialogue free new teaser, David and Lenny are aghast at what can only be described as too much drool.
The project still remains a bit puzzling, with only a trippy trailer out of Comic Con providing any real insight. Show runner Noah Hawley (of Fargo fame) claims that there won’t be any first (or even second) tier X-Men involved, claiming that it is a more self-contained narrative.
“It’s a standalone kind of thing. It’s none of the iconic characters from the movie franchise. I think that’s a strength on some level, because those characters come with rules. It’s hard. You don’t want to be handcuffed, when you’re trying to explore something. The power of making something unpredictable is really an important thing to preserve.”
Honestly, though, no one would have called the Guardians of the Galaxy or Jessica Jones top tier Marvel characters, and yet those were developed into some of the franchise’s most successful properties. So, despite the shroud of mystery, there is probably reason to get excited.
Legion will be coming to FX in 2017.
(H/T Polygon)