Michael Moore Promises To ‘Lead The Charge’ Against The Electoral College


Following the media’s realization that Michael Moore was spot-on with his prediction that Donald Trump would win, the documentary filmmaker’s public profile has increased dramatically. Cable news channels have come to rely on Moore’s Midwest punditry for Democratic talking points, and some have even asked him for additional predictions. Like Late Night host Seth Meyers, who brought up the nation’s renewed interest in the Electoral College (and whether or not the institution meant to prevent the rise of dictators and demagogues should still exist.)

“Here’s the Democrats’ biggest problem, and this includes people who voted for [Hillary Clinton]. They don’t act like they won. They won! She’s 2.7 million votes ahead of Trump tonight, almost 3 million,” explained Moore. “This is the second time this has happened in 16 years — it happened with [Al Gore] — where they win the popular vote but lose the White House… We have to get rid of this Electoral College.”

Without missing a beat, Meyers interrupted Moore’s diatribe and asked him whether or not that would ever happen. Moore’s response?

“Yes it’s going to happen. I will lead the charge! The American public is not… And listen, I would be saying the same thing if Trump was ahead by 2.7 million votes. I would accept the fact that my fellow Americans wanted him as President of the United States. I wouldn’t like it, [but] I would accept it.”

Whether or not Moore is serious about his on-the-spot willingness to “lead the charge” against an evergreen political topic (every four years, at least) remains to be seen. Then again, he did manage to gain access to Trump Tower in order to write the president-elect a nice note, so maybe Moore actually wants to spearhead the latest effort to remove the Electoral College from American presidential elections.