Peaky Blinders is a good show. Let’s start there. The BBC drama follows the adventures of the Shelby family, an early-1900s Birmingham, England gang who earned the titular gang name because they wear razor blades in their hats and swing them at people during fights. Cillian Murphy stars as the gang’s leader. Tom Hardy showed up in season two as a mumbly violent bootlegger. Both of the seasons that have aired so far are available on Netflix. You should watch them. Because, again, Peaky Blinders is a good show.
Now, with that preamble out of the way, we can move on to the news of the day: The third season of the show is almost done filming, and according to a report in The Independent, producers are now targeting an April premiere. April is pretty soon. April will do.
As for what to expect from the new season, Deadline reported in October that the gang is going international:
Season 3 will see Tommy pulled into the glamorous and dangerous world of international intrigue in 1920s Britain, putting his entire organization and family at risk, and forcing him to question everything about his own ambitions and desires.
“Forcing him to question everything about his own ambitions and desires”! That sounds bad! I mean, for him. It sounds pretty great for us. As does the fact that Tom Hardy’s character will return for at least part of the new season. Showrunner Steven Knight seems pleased.
“I am genuinely thrilled at the prospect of Season Three. I think it will be the best yet,” he said. “Lots of things familiar, but lots of things are new,” he said. “It’s still a Birmingham story and it always will be. Now, it has international consequences. I can’t wait to see it myself.”
So there you have it. Somewhere in the neighborhood of three months until new episodes of Peaky Blinders. Plenty of time to catch up or re-watch in a nice, leisurely fashion. Which you should do. Because, I repeat, again, for a third time, Peaky Blinders is a good show.
(Via The Independent, Deadline)