Here’s Proof That Prince Invaded ‘Arsenio’ And Managed To Take Over The Show

Prince was the sole guest on Arsenio on Wednesday and he did not disappoint fans who lined up around the building for more than six hours to see him on the show. It was a non-stop Prince hour full with performances and a Q&A session, including the premiere of the song “FUNKNROLL” alongside 3RDEYEGIRL.

For a guy as private as Prince has been known to be, it’s pretty amazing that you’d get so much time to delve into what makes him tick. He’s been on a roll as of late with his appearance on New Girl preceding this celebration. People Magazine highlighted some of the more interesting factoids, but I think the craziest one is that Prince does not own a cell phone.

It isn’t the idea that he doesn’t own one that is interesting, it’s that he just walks around borrowing everyone’s phones to make calls. It’s a very Prince thing to do. Clips are posted below, including the very special Prince Q&A that can’t be missed. Enjoy!

(Via Arsenio)