As Sesame Street continues its day-to-day educational duties with the cloud of PBS defunding worries over its head, Sia has found time to pop by and the program’s merry band of muppets that “S is for Songs.” It’s also for signature wigs, but that’s more of an unsung part of the equation.
With more than enough blonde-n-black coiffure to go-around, a red-nosed Sia busted out a bubbly tune about all the marvellous things songs can do. Judging by the happy bouncing around, Grover, Abby Cadabby, Elmo and Cookie Monster all approve of this stance.
“‘S’ is for songs, and I love songs/Don’t know what I would do without ‘em/I love songs so much/I wanna sing a song about ‘em,” sang the “Chandelier” pop sensation.
This Sesame Street combo effort really drives home that folks feel really comfortable around Muppets. This is the most we’ve seen of Sia’s face in years and that’s quite the feat. It’d be like getting Kid Rock to degrease for popping up on the program. (Note: Do not invite Kid Rock on your program, Sesame Street. Prairie Dawn does not need a heavy right-wing makeover.)
Bask in the charms of Sia’s “S is for Songs” by hitting play on that magic video rectangle nestled above. There’s far less interpretive dance tucked inside than your standard Sia promo.
(Via NME)