Ever since Supergirl aired its first episode on CBS last October, the newly-minted CW series has bombarded itself with references to Kara Danvers’ (Melissa Benoist) Kryptonian cousin, Clark Kent. A teenage (and redheaded) version of Kal-El popped up in “For the Girl Who Has Everything,” but that didn’t satisfy the show’s fanbase, so after a season finale cliffhanger with strong hints about a particular Superman plot line, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg announced that casting for an adult Kent was underway. Now we know who will be dressing up as the big blue boyscout.
According to TV Line, Teen Wolf star Tyler Hoechlin has been tapped to guest star as Superman in the first two episodes of Supergirl‘s second season in the fall:
“[Executive producer] Greg [Berlanti] and I have wanted to work with Tyler for ages, so this worked out perfectly because Tyler is Superman,” Supergirl showrunner Andrew Kreisberg said in a statement. “We are so thrilled and humbled to add another amazing actor to the legacy of this iconic character.”
No other details were given about Hoechlin’s casting, nor the plot of the two episodes that will feature his take on Superman.
Aside from his days on MTV’s Wolf, Hoechlin broke out on the big screen in Richard Linklater’s fantastic Everybody Wants Some!! as McReynolds, the college baseball team’s rough and tough slugger. Along with co-stars Blake Jenner and Will Brittain, the 28-year-old actor spoke with Uproxx about the experience back in March.
Among other things, they discussed disco, so maybe Hoechlin’s Kent will have the chance to recreate this classic scene from the comics:
Yes, that magical time when Superman’s human alter ego was able to disarm a bomb with the power of disco.
(Via TV Line)