Oh, Supermarket Sweep. Your absence from television has left a hole in our heart the size of a shopping cart overloaded with hams.
The grocery-minded game show continues to fascinate in 2015, and now former host David Ruprecht has offered up some inside dish about the show in a video for Great Big Story. The details he offers aren’t too scandalous, but there’s a lot of neat tidbits worth racing down the aisle for. Also, it doesn’t hurt that David’s a charming guy to spend two minutes with.
The biggest revelation offered up by Ruprecht? The food on show stayed the same throughout 5-6 months of taping. The results were about as gross as you might imagine.
“By about the third month the hotdogs had sort of started to ferment in the package and the package swelled up and a lot of the food having been thrown in and out of carts for three, four months had gotten pretty beaten up.”
Informative and disgusting! Infogusting!
Contestants weren’t allowed to keep all the (apparently nasty) food they collected, but Sweepers that didn’t finish in first place were gifted the stylish sweatshirts necessary to play the game.
It’s definitely worth a watch. Even if it’s just so you can shamelessly steal Ruprecht’s key to victory on the off-chance you’re thrown through a TV time portal.
(via AV Club)