Ainsley Earhardt often stays out of the line of fire when fellow Fox and Friends co-hosts Brian Kilmeade and Steve Doocy are going at it. She sure does say a lot, though, during other moments, and The Daily Show decided to document a certain habit for one of the Fox News personalities who’s very upset that Christmas is ruined because no one wants to work. The same host who declared Trump a super hard worker tends to revert to a telling habit: mentioning “my friend” in countless instances to support her points.
As the Trevor Noah-hosted Comedy Central show phrased things, “Ainsley Earhardt takes the ‘friends’ part of ‘Fox & Friends’ very seriously.” From there, this clip functions as a compilation of every time that the co-host has mentioned her friends, her best friend, her anti-vaxxer friends, her friends with kids, and well, you get the point. The routine quickly grows tedious while one watches the exhaustive repetition, which is punctuated by this awkward reaction face from Brian Kilmeade around the 1:30 mark.

It must be noted that Kilmeade doles out his fair share of idiosyncrasies on-air, too, mainly in the form of tantrum-y outbursts and baffling claims about reading Hitler in school and whatnot. Still, Ainsley deserves the spotlight where The Daily Show is concerned. Or at least, her “friends” (if they all really exist) deserve it.
As Media Matters writer Bobby Lewis put it on Twitter, “‘i have a friend’ = ‘i saw someone say this online.'”
"i have a friend" = "i saw someone say this online"
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) October 4, 2021