Will Smith Borrowed Money From A ‘Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air’ Fan When He Ran Out Of Gas

Celebrities often lament the lack of privacy that comes with constantly being recognized in public, as if that’s not a small price to pay for fame and fortune. Will Smith on the other hand, says he loves being recognized by his fans. And as he explained to Jimmy Kimmel on Monday night, it’s also not without the occasional perks. “I want people to recognize me,” he told the host. “Cause I’ve met a lot of people, where fame can be a burden, but I just really love it. I really do.”

To illustrate that point, the Suicide Squad star told Kimmel about how his fame recently got him out of a jam when he was on his way home, and realized he was almost out of gas. When he pulled over at a gas station however, he also realized that he had left his wallet at home. But as he weighed his options of having Jada come rescue him, he noticed a guy across the parking lot.

“I saw a dude, he was like 36 years old,” he said. “I was like, that dude’s a Fresh Prince fan. You can just spot them! You can just spot them, right?” He continued, after finally getting the dude’s attention: “And he said, ‘Hey man, can I get a picture?’ … Yeah man, I need about 10 dollars.” Clearly, he has got this fame thing figured out.