DMX Is Highly Confused By This Thing Called ‘Google’

DMX in 1998: “I don’t give a f*ck about y’all n*ggaz ’cause y’all ain’t killin’ nothin’.”

DMX in 2012: “Computer words are funny, like Google…”

No, Reading Rainbow enthusiast DMX hasn’t started his new career as a cruise ship comedian (how amazing would that be?); rather, he was invited into the Power 105.1 studios in NYC, and had Google explained to him. Not just Google, actually, but pretty much the whole “working on a computer” thing. At one point, it looks like his head is about to explode, Scanners-style, because he can’t quite grasp the idea of searching for himself online when he’s, like, there in-person. *BARKING NOISE*

Remember, kids, don’t do drugs. Or Bing. That might be too much for DMX to handle.

(Via Clip Nation)