Rockstar Employees Slam BBC’s ‘Grand Theft Auto’ Biopic As ‘Made Up Bollocks’

On Tuesday, BBC Two aired The Game Changers, a docudrama about the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas era fight between Rockstar Games (specifically boss Dan Houser, as portrayed by Daniel Radcliffe) and anti-video game lawyer Jack Thompson (Bill Paxton). Rockstar sued to try to stop the airing, but the broadcast went ahead anyway, with a disclaimer that certain details were enhanced for dramatic effect. (Because working at Rockstar isn’t already dramatic enough?)

It didn’t take long for Rockstar Games to deign the film to be “random, made up bollocks.”

Hmm, that tweet could have used more mime-punching.

Former employees and fellow developers also weighed in, as pointed out by VG24/7:

You can see some more of the Twitter reactions over at VG24/7, or we can simply sum them up with a GIF: