A Horror Movie About A ‘Psychotic Fetus’ Is Offering Free Tickets To Pregnant Women

Alice Lowe was less than two months away from giving birth when she directed and starred in Prevenge, a pitch-black horror comedy about a pregnant woman whose “misanthropic unborn spawn” tells her to go on a killing spree. Y’know, that ol’ chestnut. While writing the film, Lowe, who appeared in Edgar Wright’s Hot Fuzz and The World’s End, asked herself, “What would be funnier than a dog telling someone to kill? Ventriloquist dummies, God, demons… all have been used and then I thought, ‘What’s funnier than a psychotic fetus convincing its mother to kill?’ My own fetus was nothing but sunshine, rainbows, and lollipops, of course.” All proceeds from the film will presumably go to her child’s future therapy appointments.

Prevenge opens in New York and Los Angeles on March 24, and non-coastal elites can catch it on the horror streaming service Shudder that same day, but if you want to see it for free before then, you can. As long as you’re expecting.

WHAT: A special preview screening of Alice Lowe’s PREVENGE, admission free for pregnant women, with writer-director-star Alice Lowe in person

WHERE: IFC Center, New York, NY

WHEN: Monday, March 20th at 8:15pm

HOW: If you’re currently pregnant and would like to attend Monday night’s special screening of PREVENGE for free, please RSVP to guillermo@brigademarketing.com. If you’re not currently pregnant, tickets are available for purchase here.

The IFC Center should screen Rosemary’s Baby, too, and really scare everyone.