Grimes Wrote A Letter To Show Her Love Of ‘Star Wars’

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Grimes is a fan of open letters. The Canadian indie pop artist typically uses the form to address negativity, blasting overly aggressive vegans and misogynists alike. But this time, she’s written a letter to share one of her great loves, the Star Wars film franchise.

She wrote the letter for LOVE and addresses many aspects of the franchise, including its ground-breaking special effects…

“I was completely blown away by their standard of technical achievement”

… use of droids and other non-humans…

“The interaction between R2-D2 and the other characters is amazing.”

… feminist casting choices…

“Gwendolyn Christie and Lupita Nyong’o are two of my favorite actresses, and neither made her name doing something overtly feminine or sexualized, which is not the norm for female leads in action films these days.”

… and the costuming (which is to be expected from someone who made this).

“Costuming has always been one of the strongest aspects of the series. Even the prequel trilogy had striking costumes”

Ultimately, Grimes just wants us to know that she’s as psyched about the upcoming sequels as the rest of us. That’s understandable for someone who “came to love Star Wars before [she] could even walk.”

Check out the whole letter over at NME and order an issue of LOVE here.

(via Pitchfork)