Video: Harry Belafonte Clarifies His Comments On Jay Z & Beyonce & Wants To Talk With Them

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And I think one of the great abuses of this modern time is that we should have had such high-profile artists, powerful celebrities. But they have turned their back on social responsibility. That goes for Jay-Z and Beyonce, for example. Give me Bruce Springsteen, and now you’re talking. I really think he is black.
– Harry Belafonte (Full Interview: Hollywood Reporter)

This is going to sound arrogant, but my presence is charity. Just who I am. Just like Obama’s is, this guy who comes from Marcy Projects, who’s made it to these places. We’re playing Yankee Stadium tonight, you know how many people are inspired by my story?
– Jay Z (Source)

Harry Belafonte speaks on Jay Z starting at 10:58. He says he doesn’t want Jay Z to take his comments personal and would like to have a sit down with him and Beyonce.

I see some controversy over Jay Z saying, ” my presence is charity.” Is there anything wrong with that statement?