Fridge Gets SB Ring Back From 10-Year-Old Boy

Here’s a story that will melt the icy stone in your heart: a 10-year-old kid from New York heard about the financial plight of Bears defensive legend William “Refrigerator” Perry, so after Cliff Forest bought Perry’s ring in a pawn shop for $8,500, he sought the legend out and returned the ring to him. As a gift.

“It’s what I wanted to do. When I Googled Mr. Perry after I got the ring, I saw he had (Guillain-Barre syndrome) and went through rough times. And I thought he needed it more than I did.”[..]

“When Cliff saw the ring, he said he had to have it,” his mother, Tracy, told ESPN. “Once I saw the price, I said, ‘Absolutely not. We’re not buying the ring.’

–The Huddle, via Amber Jones.

Perry reportedly has been battling obesity and alcoholism among other ailments (his agent told one media outlet that Perry actually had to re-learn how to sign his name). Perrys ring size, by the way, is 25, which means that little Cliff probably could have worn it as a belt.