The Best Thing To Happen To The Hornets Since Larry Johnson Was A Grandmother

If NBA ownership was decreed based on thoroughness of beard, this guy would own the entire league. He’s Him (so let him do it).

And now, a few links about another guy with a beard. Stories unrelated.


’80s Sitcom Predicted Year of Gaddafi’s Death – I’m going to pitch the idea for a Nostradamus sitcom and predict like 100 things in every episode, then enjoy a resurgence in my show’s popularity 20 years later when the sh*t happens to be true. ‘Oh no, Sheldon, George Lucas died! This is the saddest thing to happen in 2028!’ etc. [Warming Glow]

The Guy Who Found Gadhafi Was Wearing A New York Yankees Cap, Has The Dictator’s Famed Golden Gun – And now he can kill your playoff hopes in one shot. [UPROXX]

Best Twitter Reactions To The Death Of Muammar Gaddafi – I hope his name being spelled differently in each of these three links was on purpose. Here’s a fourth: Chudoffy! [Buzzfeed]

Awesome People Hanging Out With Bill Murray – Muammar doesn’t show up on this, although he probably should. Bill Murray rules, and I’d sell my soul for one of those Fantastic Mr. Fox characters. [UPROXX]

Zombie Barbie: Finally A Barbie Doll We Can Support – Our culture needs a new funny occupation, as zombie, ninja and pirate are all extremely played out. Butcher, maybe? Butchers can be funny. [Gamma Squad]

The Curious Case Of Derrick Rose – The NBA Lockout is just like Benjamin Button. Nothing’s happening, but it’s taking forever. [Smoking Section]

Game Over, This is the World’s Greatest Baby Costume – It is pretty great. I think blackface works when you make it a luchador mask. [Film Drunk]

Walt Disney’s Sin City: The Mash-Up You’ve Been Waiting For – Still not as good as Frank Miller’s Sim City, created right around the time I gave up trying to be creative on the Internet. [Gamma Squad]

The Dugout: World Series 2011 Game 1 – Speaking of not being creative, this Dugout needs your traffic and comments. Elvis Andrus! [The Dugout]

Forget Drunkorexia, Olivia Munn Is Into Drunkersize – Maybe she should get into Drunk Acting Classes so I can like her for something besides boobs and freckles. [FARK]

TV-Inspired Halloween Costumes – My TV-inspired Halloween costume this year is better than all of these, pending me being able to pull it off. After the awesome costumes of 2009 and 2010, I’ve got a lot to live up to. [AOL TV]

Five Horror Film Curses You’ll Swear Are Real – You know, I swear these five horror film curses are real. [The Smoking Jacket]
