The 10 Best GIFs From Last Night’s NBC Comedies

With the exception of when I was watching the bloodbath in Charlotte, I had a near-constant smile on my face last night. NBC’s Thursday night lineup was back (sort of), and despite the lack of 30 Rock and Community, it was a pretty solid night overall. Heck, even The Office wasn’t awful! Mini-reviews and GIFs below.

  • SNL: Primetime Election Special: Seth’s Weekend Update material was uninspired (LITERALLY no one laughed at his first joke), but the sketches were amusing enough. Drunk Uncle and Bill Hader’s James Carville were predictably good, and the cold open about the Romney video tape was fine, I guess, amusing you hadn’t already seen the superior “Chaos on Bullsh*t Mountain.” Check out the full list of Fox News corrections here.
  • Up All Night: Skinny Will Arnett creeps me out.
  • The Office: The Dwight stuff was irritating at best and Kevin’s cold open about the turtle he ran over was disturbing at worst, but I like what the writers are doing with Jim. He’s someone who needs something in life to keep him distracted from job, and now that he’s got the girl and the babies…well, all he has to focus on his sh*tty job. It’s nice to have a bit of realism back on The Office. Not bad for a day in the life of a dog food company.
  • Parks and Recreation: Holy moly is it nice to have Parks and Rec back. “Ms. Knope Goes to Washington” wasn’t even a great episode (I thought there was too much dragging to get to the guest stars), but it’s just so nice spending time with Leslie, Ron, Andy, Ben, etc. Parks has the most likable cast on TV, and everyone was involved last night: from Chris extolling the virtues of nature’s candy, raisins, to Donna losing it at Pig Tom. I want to give everyone on the show a hug, and maybe more than that to Anne. CURSE YOU HOT NOT REBECCA.

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Ron and Andy get their own page:

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