Facebook Wants You To Download Its New App Or They Will Delete Your Photos


The still-reigning king of social media is changing rapidly. From recently becoming more like the cool kid on the block to the addition of reaction buttons, Facebook wants to stay relevant so that’s why they’re forcing you to keep up with the times as well by making you download their latest Moments app.

Recently, the photo syncing function was removed from the main Facebook app. This feature, which has been available since 2012, allowed users to automatically upload recent photos available in their photo albums or camera roll. This feature was great especially if you took a lot of pictures at a certain event and wanted to put them on your Facebook profile easily. The photos were saved and if you wanted to post them you could. Well, that feature is no longer available and Facebook is strong-arming their users into downloading Moments by notifying users by email that all of their photos will be deleted by July 7.

Facebook is really trying to push for users to download Moments. What they’re doing now is eerily similar to what they did with their Messenger app two years ago. If you’re a holdout for Moments (which is currently the number 1 app in the App Store) and simply don’t want another app sucking up space on your device, you can download all of your photos to a zip file. Again, you have until July 7 to do this or your precious photos will be vanished.

(via The Verge)