Jimmy Fallon Gives An Emotional Charlottesville Monologue, But Critics Say It’s Too Little, Too Late

Following Donald Trump’s initial refusal to condemn white supremacists after the tragic series of events in Charlottesville over the weekend that left one 32-year-old women dead and dozens other injured, late night hosts tackled the subject on Monday by taking the president to task. This included even Jimmy Fallon, who opened his show with an uncharacteristically heartfelt monologue, clearly emotional in the wake of so much turmoil happening in our country.

“The fact that it took two days for the president to come out and denounce racists and white supremacists is shameful,” Fallon told his audience. “And I think he finally spoke out because people everywhere stood up, and said something. It’s important for everyone, especially white people in this country, to speak out against this.”

Unfortunately, while Fallon’s words were appreciated by many, this is yet another case where his playful 2016 hair-ruffling Trump interview came back to haunt him. Even Seth Meyers, who follows Fallon on Late Night, pointed out that it was “racist and insane” back when Trump questioned President Obama’s birth certificate, said that all Mexicans were rapists, called Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas,” and so on and so forth. In other words, this is everything we’ve come to expect from Trump.

As such, Fallon’s words are getting mixed reactions on Twitter, with many pointing out the perceived hypocrisy in his statement.





Not everyone was unimpressed with Fallon’s monologue however, as others came out to applaud the host for his candor:


Simply put, as this point Fallon is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. What he probably wouldn’t give to be able to go back in time and take that silly moment back.