A Press Secretary Bot Is Transforming Trump’s Tweets Into Amazing Faux-White House Statements

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Nearly every day, President Trump’s tweets make plenty of people wonder how his handlers can possibly cope. Of course, Trump’s unfiltered sentiments are part of why he won a following, yet they do cause headaches when he goes off the rails to falsely accuse an ex-president of wiretapping him. Quite often, Sean Spicer is left floundering at the podium while fielding something like “covfefe” and basically making up a nonsensical explanation. And Spicer so often utters one key phrase — “the tweet speaks for itself” — that someone has created a new parody press-secretary bot that will save him the trouble next time.

The magnificent invention, which lives under the @RealPressSecBot handle, has quickly amassed over 24,000 followers within a few hours of its birth. Today, the bot took on Trump’s tweets that criticized London Mayor Sadiq Khan following the terror attacks that killed seven people and wounded dozens more. Each tweet begins with “a statement by the president” and arrives on mocked-up White House letterhead.


The simplicity is almost stunning. Statements in 140 characters or less, just like Trump prefers to handle his general communication with the public. One would also assume that Trump’s future typos will be preserved in official-looking tweeted statements that won’t be deleted when Trump or his people correct them. It’s sad, hilarious, and — unfortunately — a Twitter bot that may one day prove itself to be invaluable.