Seth Rogen Slid Into Donald Trump Jr.’s DMs Again To Remind Him Of His Father’s ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape

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Donald Trump, Jr. must be a huge fan of Zack and Miri Make a Porno.

How else to explain why he follows Seth Rogen on Twitter? The actor and comedian has direct-messaged the president’s son before, criticizing his dad for “trying to discredit our media, collude with Russia, and destroy the environment.” Rogen also once tweeted, “I noticed you follow me on Twitter. Please ask your dad to resign before he destroys the planet. Thanks dude.” The Sausage Party star was at it again today, this time coming after Trump, Jr. following his Twitter feud with Jimmy Kimmel about Harvey Weinstein.

“Sliding in to @DonaldJTrumpJr DMs,” Rogen tweeted, “to remind him his father is a sexual predator like”…

Hey dude! See you’re going pretty hard at us “Hollywood” types. I agree Harvey Weinstein is a piece of shit and people should speak against him. But… Are you aware your father has been accused of sexual harassment by several women and even admitted to sexual assault on tape? Maybe you should denounce that?

Just a thought man! Have a good one!

Then, five minutes later.

Have fun shooting innocent animals!

Trump, Jr.’s favorite Rogen movie is probably This Is the End, which coincidentally was his dad’s original campaign slogan before “Make America Great Again.”