‘Can I Touch Them?’

Helen Mirren’s stint as “SNL” host was largely disappointing: a poorly written episode that had trouble finding ways to shoehorn the Oscar winner into sketches. One of very few highlights was the digital short “Helen Mirren’s Magical Bosom,” which — regardless of whether you find it funny — is worth watching to see Kristen Wiig motorboat Helen Mirren.

Ha ha ha, titty jokes. They’re like dick jokes, but sexier. Video below, plus some additional highlights on the second page.


Weekend Update: Shelly Elaine.


The oxygen mask was an unnecessary prop, but otherwise this was the funniest and timeliest part of Weekend Update.

Mary Shelley


A perfectly good sketch, although at this point it’s hard for Fred Armisen to get a laugh out of me. I preferred the one where Mirren as Julie Andrews threw a spear through her assistant’s chest, but that video isn’t online.

Celebrity Taxes


Some people hate the Kardashian sisters as played by Pedrad, Abby Elliott, and Vanessa Bayer, but I actually think the empty-headed whining is funny. Or maybe I just like seeing Nasim Pedrad in a tight dress.

Underground Festival: Easter


I found this edition weaker than other entries in the Underground Festival series. It’s a lot funnier when they make fun of Juggalos more directly.