Michelle Obama Dreams Of Being Beyoncé When She Grows Up

As FLOTUS, Michelle Obama occupies a pretty powerful and high-profile post. Still, from time to time, she makes sure to keep it real like us plebeians. She’s let her hips loose when getting down to “Uptown Funk” and embraced the hilarity that is “mom dancing.” Hell, the First Lady even makes terrible “Turn Down For What” jokes like us.

Now, she’s confessed something that we the people can really get behind. During a Q&A for the Beating the Odds summit for college students, Mrs. Obama was asked, “If you had the opportunity to have a different occupation, what would it be?” Without pause or hesitation, she answered: “I would be Beyoncé,” later wavering her hands à la Queen Bey in the “Single Ladies” video. Don’t we all?

Considering the fact that Mrs. Obama and her two daughters were spotted enjoying the heck out of a Bey concert and that the “XO” singer performed at FLOTUS’ 50th birthday bash last year, her choice of dream job probably should come as no surprise.

(Via Jezebel and Instagram)